Fund Run

The annual KMES Fund Run is our final fundraiser during the academic year. This event takes place during a school day in early June. We team it with the school’s end-of-year Picnic and Field Day, which gives the event a great celebratory feel.

Here’s how it works: in the weeks leading up to the Fund Run, our students gather donations from family friends, neighbors, and community members with the promise that they will be running laps for a set amount of time: think of it as a lap-a-thon, but with donations already secured rather than dependent on the number of laps run.

Students bring in donations the day of the event and run laps by class (K/1, 2/3, and 4/5) while the rest of the school cheers them on. The kids get a great sense of accomplishment as each lap is counted and they go on to enjoy the rest of the day’s field activities.